Brightcove SSAI
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Reach every viewer on every device.

Keep your advertisers and your viewers happy.

More ad revenue for less money.

The analytics advertisers want.

Success Stories
Growing their brands and their businesses with SSAI
Seven West Media
Seven West Media
SWM decided to pivot its business strategy and become a total video enterprise, putting consumers in control of the viewing experience. In order to do that successfully, the company identified two major goals: (1) incrementally monetize all of its live stream content, and (2) measure each asset independently.
Clive Dickens
Chief Digital Officer, Seven West Media
With Brightcove, we are able to increase the reach of TVNZ OnDemand across a range of different devices and provide a more customized experience for our viewers, delivering them the content they want, wherever they want it.
Jason Foden
General Manager, TVNZ OnDemand
Live or on-demand video
With SSAI, you can generate ad revenue whether you’re livestreaming or making video content available on demand.
Block the ad blockers
Server-side as insertion lets you get around ad blockers to deliver ads to their intended audience and revenue to your bottom line.
A great experience on every device
Connected TVs, smart TVs, mobile or desktop, gaming consoles — different devices all provide the same great viewer experience.
Contact us to learn how we can enhance your video marketing efforts and help generate the results and ROI you need.