
In the first part of the event, Mr. Okazawa from Human Centrics gave a talk on The Latest Video Utilization in Compan...
Learn the top three reasons why revenue sharing is one of the worst business strategies for publishers looking to bui...
Making a video and driving ROI from it are two completely different things. Here are five key ways to make sure your ...
If your current video solution is only providing video view data you’re missing out on all of this rich, contextual i...
Be sure to integrate your video platform with your MAP and CRM. Once you prove the ROI of video, it’s easier to get s...
Brightcove Player V5 introduces new error codes, allowing you to easily detect a number of common (and often intentio...
When you integrate your OVP with your existing tech stack, like your CMS, MAP, and CRM, it ensures your company can m...
By making good use of video and linking it to your MA tool, we hope you will be able to predict your customers' custo...
We will describe how to check the number of views, CDN traffic (video bandwidth), and Live module time in Brightcove.


Contact us to learn how we can enhance your video marketing efforts and help generate the results and ROI you need.