In 2015, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and eMarketer released data highlighting continued growth in mobile video viewing. However, advertising spending has not kept pace with this shift in consumer behavior, leaving significant opportunities untapped.
The IAB’s Mobile Video Usage: A Global Perspective study reveals that longer videos on mobile screens are increasingly capturing global attention. Thirty-six percent of respondents reported watching videos of five minutes or longer on their smartphones daily or more frequently, with users in Turkey, Finland, and China being among the most frequent viewers of longer content. The survey, conducted across 24 countries, also found that mobile video consumption—whether short or long format—continues to rise, with the highest growth rates observed in the US (50%), Canada, and New Zealand (both 42%).
Regarding advertising, 28% of respondents indicated they often see the same ads on mobile video as on TV. However, 80% expressed a desire for more personalized advertising experiences, highlighting an unmet need for better-targeted campaigns.
EMARKETER’s report also emphasizes the rapid growth in mobile video viewing but focuses on the disparity between consumer habits and ad spending. While mobile video accounts for 51% of viewing minutes, it receives only one-third of total ad spending, illustrating a clear gap in monetization.
Mobile video advertising has faced several challenges, including format inconsistencies, differences between mobile web and in-app ads, and concerns about delivering a seamless consumer experience. To address these challenges, Brightcove offers Once VOD, an industry-leading cloud-based ad and stream-stitching solution.
With Once VOD, media companies can deliver a seamless and consistent ad-supported video experience across all devices, optimizing reach, ad inventory, and revenue. Brightcove Once VOD supports smooth streaming in the Brightcove HTML5 player and iOS and Android video SDKs, creating a more interactive user experience. Additionally, Once VOD provides content providers with a highly configurable in-player ad solution. By abstracting ad insertion technology to the server, it allows for enhanced control of the player experience while supporting client-side reporting and measurement.
This powerful combination of Brightcove products ensures media companies can capitalize on the growing demand for mobile video while delivering high-quality, engaging, and monetized content to their audiences.