Live Streaming
Whether your audience consists of a few dozen, a few thousand, or even millions of concurrent viewers, with Brightcove, flawless live streaming at scale is easy to achieve. From live events to 24/7 linear streams, you can be confident your content will have the quality and reliability your audience expects, no matter what devices they’re watching on.
Optimize live stream sourcing with low-latency partners and API for improved content delivery
Video experiences, even among the same brand, can be fragmented. Often, different departments will create video assets with different approaches across the consumer journey, leading to dissonance.
Enjoy the confidence that comes from having dedicated support engineers present for the duration of your event
Deliver live content to every viewer, no matter where they’re watching from. Audiences can experience the compelling immediacy of a live stream and engage with it in real time to become active and involved participants.
Livestreaming makes all the world a stage for performing arts organizations. Find out How the Sydney Symphony Used Video to Make the World Their Concert Hall.
Brightcove’s live streaming solution runs on Brightcove Media Studio. Why does that matter? It means you can feel confident that you’re executing your live strategies on the streaming platform that leads the industry — it means your technology will enhance the experience you offer your audience, not impede it.
Success Stories
Brightcove is built to work. It provided the speed to market which was vital to quickly delivering new video experiences to our audiences.
Meera Gooley
Head of Digital Marketing, Sydney Symphony Orchestra
We use Brightcove to publish our video online to millions of users simultaneously and to provide access points from our website, our mobile app, and through sharing embedded streams on other websites.
Rob Rothfarb
Online Project Director at the Exploratorium
Read about Exploratorium’s success
Manage your content across devices with our OTT management offering.
Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with using the most reliable streaming technology in the world.
Involve your viewers and offer them an experience that’s close to being there.
Gain insights into live content performance and build learnings into your next one.
Boost the power of your tech stack with ready-to-use plug-ins.
Relax and be confident that all your live content will be streamed without a hitch or a glitch.
Contact us to learn how we can enhance your video marketing efforts and help generate the results and ROI you need.